Rekisteröidy käyttäjäksi autamaan tukiasemien kartoitusta Julkiselle kartalle. Käyttäjänimesi näkyy tukiasemien tiedoissa kun olet tallentanut tämän tukiaseman kartalle.
Kuinka rekisteröidyn?
- Please enter the required information on the registration form below
- You will receive a verification link via e-mail. Click on the link or copy it into your browser in order to verify your email address and activate to account. Please also check your email SPAM folder. If you use email, there migh have delay when you get verification email.
- Login to the CellMapper site
If you need any help, please open ticket via our ticketing tool
Tietoa CellMapper-käyttäjätilistä
- Username must be unique and cannot be changed in the future
- Your username is public and will be shown on various pages within the site an app.
- Username and password can only contains a-z, A-Z, 0-9 characters.
- Your e-mail address is used for password resets and verification purposes. Admin team also use to contact to user.
- Password must have uppercase and lowercase letters, a number, and have at least 8 characters.
Registeration doesn't work in Mainland China because Google ReCapcha blocked
Please don't use AT&T emails because AT&T email service block all CellMapper emails.