Aquafon - Abkhazia - 28967
A-Mobile - Abkhazia - 28988
AREEBA - Afghanistan - 41240
Roshan - Afghanistan - 41220
Salaam - Afghanistan - 41280
AWCC - Afghanistan - 4121
Etisalat - Afghanistan - 41250
Vodafone - Albania - 2762
One - Albania - 2761
Albtelecom (historical) - Albania - 2763
Nedjma - Algeria - 6033
Mobilis - Algeria - 6031
Djezzy - Algeria - 6032
Algerie Telecom - Algeria - 6039
Mobiland - Andorra - 2133
UNITEL - Angola - 6312
Movicel - Angola - 6314
Africell - Angola - 6315
UNITEL - Angola - 6318
FLOW - Antigua and Barbuda - 344920
Provider 3 - Antigua and Barbuda - 3443
Personal - Argentine Republic - 72234
Claro - Argentine Republic - 722310
Movistar - Argentine Republic - 7227
722-399 - Argentine Republic - 722399
Provider 1 - Argentine Republic - 7221
Movistar - Argentine Republic - 7220
AMX Argentina S.A - Argentine Republic - 722320
Beeline - Armenia - 2831
Vivacell-MTS - Armenia - 2835
ORANGE AM - Armenia - 28310
363-1 - Aruba - 3631
Digicel - Aruba - 3632
Provider 20 - Aruba - 36320
Optus - Australia - 5052
Telstra - Australia - 5051
Vodafone - Australia - 5053
Telstra Mobile - Australia - 5050
Railcorp - Australia - 50513
Provider 23 - Australia - 50523
505-14 - Australia - 50514
50531 - Australia - 50531
50525 - Australia - 50525
505-34 - Australia - 50534
505-37 - Australia - 50537
A1 Telekom Austria - Austria - 2321
Magenta (Formerly T-Mobile AT) - Austria - 2323
3 AT (ext-Orange) - Austria - 2325
3 AT - Austria - 23210
LiWest - Austria - 23226
Stadtwerke Salzburg - Austria - 23221
Holding Graz - Austria - 23225
spusu - Austria - 23217
Azercell - Azerbaijani Republic - 4001
Bakcell - Azerbaijani Republic - 4002
Nar Mobile - Azerbaijani Republic - 4004
BaTelCo - Bahamas - 36439
Aliv Bahamas - Bahamas - 36449
VIVA Bahrain - Bahrain - 4264
Batelco - Bahrain - 4261
zain BH - Bahrain - 4262
TeleTalk - Bangladesh - 4704
Grameenphone - Bangladesh - 4701
Robi - Bangladesh - 4702
Banglalink - Bangladesh - 4703
Airtel - Bangladesh - 4707
Provider 45 - Bangladesh - 47045
Unknown - Bangladesh - 4700
MTS - Belarus - 2572
A1 - Belarus - 2571
life:) - Belarus - 2574
beCloud - Belarus - 2576
Orange - Belgium - 20610
Proximus - Belgium - 2061
BASE (Telenet) - Belgium - 20620
proximus (20604) - Belgium - 2064
proximus (20600) - Belgium - 2060
o2 - de - Belgium - 2063
Lancelot Telecom - Belgium - 20699
206-70 - Belgium - 20670
DigiCell - Belize - 70267
702-69 - Belize - 70269
MTN - Benin - 6163
ETISALAT BENIN - Benin - 6162
Be.telecoms - Benin - 6167
B-Mobile - Bhutan - 40211
TASHICELL - Bhutan - 40277
Entel - Bolivia - 7362
Tigo - Bolivia - 7363
Nuevatel - Bolivia - 7361
73604 - Bolivia - 7364
m:tel - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2185
BH Mobile - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 21890
HT-ERONET - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2183
Mascom - Botswana - 6521
Orange - Botswana - 6522
BeMobile - Botswana - 6524
Claro - Brazil - 7245
Vivo - Brazil - 72410
TIM - Brazil - 7243
Vivo - Brazil - 72411
TIM - Brazil - 7242
TIM - Brazil - 7244
Vivo - Brazil - 7246
Oi - Brazil - 72431
TIMBRASIL - Brazil - 72499
Vivo - Brazil - 72423
Oi - Brazil - 72416
Nextel - Brazil - 72439
ALGAR TELECOM - Brazil - 72434
Brisanet - Brazil - 72477
TIMBRASIL - Brazil - 72496
724-28 - Brazil - 72428
724-15 - Brazil - 72415
ALGAR TELECOM - Brazil - 72433
Oi - Brazil - 72419
724304 - Brazil - 724304
Algar Telecom - Brazil - 72432
72442 - Brazil - 72442
72455 - Brazil - 72455
72497 - Brazil - 72497
Provider 17 - Brazil - 72417
72472 - Brazil - 72472
Digicel - British Virgin Islands - 348770
FLOW - British Virgin Islands - 348170
CCT - British Virgin Islands - 348570
DSTCom - Brunei Darussalam - 52811
52803 - Brunei Darussalam - 5283
B-Mobile - Brunei Darussalam - 5282
A1 - Bulgaria - 2841
Yettel (ex. Telenor) - Bulgaria - 2845
Vivacom - Bulgaria - 2843
Bulsatcom(historical) - Bulgaria - 28411
MAX(historical) - Bulgaria - 28413
Telmob - Burkina Faso - 6131
Airtel - Burkina Faso - 6132
Telecel Faso - Burkina Faso - 6133
64208 - Burundi - 6428
Leo - Burundi - 64282
ONATEL BDI - Burundi - 6423
Smart Mobile - Burundi - 6427
Provider 9 - Burundi - 6429
Smart - Cambodia - 4566
Cellcard - Cambodia - 4561
Metfone - Cambodia - 4568
456-11 - Cambodia - 45611
456-15 - Cambodia - 45615
Orange - Cameroon - 6242
MTN Cameroon - Cameroon - 6241
Camtel - Cameroon - 6245
Nexttel - Cameroon - 6244
Camtel - Cameroon - 6243
Telus - Canada - 302220
Bell - Canada - 302610
Rogers Wireless - Canada - 302720
Freedom Mobile - Canada - 302490
Videotron - Canada - 302500
SaskTel - Canada - 302780
Videotron (MOCN) - Canada - 302520
EastLink - Canada - 302270
Bell MTS - Canada - 302660
Xplornet Communications Inc. - Canada - 302131
302721 - Canada - 302721
Xplore Mobile - Canada - 302130
ICE Wireless - Canada - 302620
Teck - Canada - 302740
302995 - Canada - 302995
302310 - Canada - 302310
Provider 991 - Canada - 302991
HOME - Canada - 302300
302-99 - Canada - 30299
CPV MOVEL - Cape Verde - 6251
UNITEL T+ - Cape Verde - 6252
62505 - Cape Verde - 6255
FLOW - Cayman Islands - 346140
ORANGE RCA - Central African Republic - 6233
Tigo - Chad - 6223
Airtel - Chad - 6221
entel - Chile - 7301
movistar - Chile - 7302
Claro - Chile - 7303
WOM - Chile - 7309
VTR Móvil - Chile - 7308
ENTEL - Chile - 73029
ENTEL - Chile - 73026
730-21 - Chile - 73021
73023 - Chile - 73023
MOVISTAR - Chile - 73030
730-10 - Chile - 73010
China Mobile 中国移动 - China - 4600
China Unicom 中国联通 - China - 4601
China Telecom 4G 中国电信 - China - 46011
China Telecom 中国电信 - China - 4603
Provider 15 - China - 46015
China Tietong 中移铁通 - China - 46020
China Mobile GSM - China - 4607
China Mobile GSM - China - 4602
STC - China - 46060
460-66 - China - 46066
460-99 - China - 46099
Provider 9 - China - 4609
Provider 79 - China - 46079
Provider 8 - China - 4608
Global Star Satellite - China - 4604
Provider 28 - China - 46028
Comcel - Colombia - 732101
Tigo - Colombia - 732103
movistar - Colombia - 732123
Movistar - Colombia - 732360
Avantel 4G LTE - Colombia - 732130
732-2 - Colombia - 7322
Tigo - Colombia - 732111
Avantel 4G LTE - Colombia - 732176
Provider 99 - Colombia - 73299
Provider 1 - Colombia - 7321
Comoros Telecom - Comoros - 6541
Telecom Cook - Cook Islands - 5481
ICE - Costa Rica - 7121
LIBERTY - Costa Rica - 7124
Claro - Costa Rica - 7123
A1 HR - Croatia - 21910
HT HR - Croatia - 2191
Telemach - Croatia - 2192
epic - Cyprus - 28010
Cytamobile-Vodafone - Cyprus - 2801
PrimeTel - Cyprus - 28020
Cablenet - Cyprus - 28022
T-Mobile Czech Republic - Czech Republic - 2301
O2 - Czech Republic - 2302
Vodafone - Czech Republic - 2303
23004 - Czech Republic - 2304
Airtel UG - Democratic Republic of the Congo - 6302
Vodacom - Democratic Republic of the Congo - 6301
Orange RDC - Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63086
Africell RDC - Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63090
Tigo - Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63089
TDC - Denmark - 2381
3 - Denmark - 2386
TT DK - Denmark - 23866
Telia - Denmark - 23820
Telenor - Denmark - 2382
TDC - Denmark - 23824
Claro - Dominican Republic - 3702
Altice - Dominican Republic - 3701
Viva - Dominican Republic - 3704
Fi Network - Dominican Republic - 3703
Telin Telkomcel - East Timor - 5141
Viettel Timor-Leste - East Timor - 5143
Timor Telecom - East Timor - 5142
Claro - Ecuador - 7401
Movistar - Ecuador - 7400
CNT Mobile - Ecuador - 7402
Provider 10 - Ecuador - 74010
Vodafone - Egypt - 6022
Orange Egypt - Egypt - 6021
Etisalat - Egypt - 6023
602-10 - Egypt - 60210
egywe - Egypt - 6024
60211 - Egypt - 60211
movistar - El Salvador - 7064
Telemovil EL Salvador - El Salvador - 7063
CLARO - El Salvador - 7061
DIGICEL - El Salvador - 7062
GNQ01 - Equatorial Guinea - 6271
Muni - Equatorial Guinea - 6273
Telia - Estonia - 2481
Tele2 - Estonia - 2483
Elisa - Estonia - 2482
ETHMTN - Ethiopia - 6361
63602 - Ethiopia - 6362
Føroya Tele (Faroese Telecom) - Faroe Islands - 2881
Nema - Faroe Islands - 2882
28810 - Faroe Islands - 28810
Vodafone - Fiji - 5421
Digicel - Fiji - 5422
Elisa - Finland - 2445
DNA - Finland - 24412
Telia - Finland - 24491
DNA/Telia Yhteisverkko - Finland - 24436
Ålcom - Finland - 24414
Nokia - Finland - 2447
VTT Oy - Finland - 24427
Nokia - Finland - 2449
Nokia - Finland - 2448
Ukkoverkot - Finland - 24435
Nokia (Digital Automation) - Finland - 24440
Erillisverkot - Finland - 24446
Erillisverkot - Finland - 24445
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy - Finland - 24444
Nokia - Finland - 24438
Turku AMK TestNetwork (244-44) - Finland - 244121
Saunalahti - Finland - 244900
Aalto University - Finland - 24453
Telia - Finland - 24420
VTT Oy - Finland - 24431
Aalto University - Finland - 24452
Orange - France - 2081
SFR - France - 20810
Bouygues - France - 20820
Free Mobile - France - 20815
20816 - France - 20816
SFR (Crozon) - France - 2088
Orange (Zones Blanches) - France - 2082
SFR (Zones Blanches) - France - 20813
Bouygues (Zones Blanches) - France - 20888
SFR (Femtocell) - France - 20811
Provider 3 - France - 2083
20889 - France - 20889
208503 - France - 208503
VINI - French Polynesia - 54720
Vodafone - French Polynesia - 54715
ViTi - French Polynesia - 5475
AIRTELGA - Gabonese Republic - 6283
Libertis - Gabonese Republic - 6281
QCELL - Gambia - 6074
Africell - Gambia - 6072
Gamcel - Gambia - 6071
MagtiCom - Georgia - 2822
Silknet (formerly Geocell) - Georgia - 2821
Cellfie (formerly Beeline) - Georgia - 2824
28208 - Georgia - 2828
o2-de - Germany - 2623 - Germany - 2621 - Germany - 2622
1&1 - Germany - 26223
DB GSM-R - Germany - 26210
Ericsson Testnetz - Germany - 26272
Nokia Test Network - Germany - 26273
Vodafone Test-Network - Germany - 2624
262731 - Germany - 262731
Provider 98 - Germany - 26298
MTN - Ghana - 6201
Vodafone - Ghana - 6202
tiGO - Ghana - 6203
Airtel - Ghana - 6206
Globacom - Ghana - 6207
Surfline - Ghana - 6208
Telesol - Ghana - 62016
BusyInternet - Ghana - 62014
NITA - Ghana - 6209
62019 - Ghana - 62019
62010 - Ghana - 62010
GIBTEL - Gibraltar - 2661
Cosmote - Greece - 2021
Nova - Greece - 20210
Vodafone - Greece - 2025
TELE Greenland A/S - Greenland - 2901
FLOW - Grenada - 352110
352 21 - Grenada - 35221
Tigo - Guatemala - 7042
Claro - Guatemala - 7041
Movistar - Guatemala - 7043
Orange S.A. - Guinea - 6111
MTN - Guinea - 6114
Cellcom - Guinea - 6115
Digicel - Guyana - 7381
GT&T Cellink Plus - Guyana - 7382
Tigo - Honduras - 7082
Claro - Honduras - 7081
Provider 3 - Honduras - 7083
1O1O / One2Free / New World Mobility - Hong Kong - 4540
3 - Hong Kong - 4543
SmarTone - Hong Kong - 4546
CMCC HK - Hong Kong - 45413
CMCC HK - Hong Kong - 45412
CSL - Hong Kong - 45419
454-21 - Hong Kong - 45421
CSL - Hong Kong - 45416
3 (2G) - Hong Kong - 4544
454299 - Hong Kong - 454299
New World Mobility - Hong Kong - 45410
SmartTone - Hong Kong - 45415
45430 - Hong Kong - 45430
CMHK - Hong Kong - 4547
HKIA - Hong Kong - 4542
Yettel (ex. Telenor) - Hungary - 2161
Telekom - Hungary - 21630
One (ex. Vodafone) - Hungary - 21670
Digi.Mobil (discontinued) - Hungary - 2163
Pro-M Zrt. - Hungary - 2164
Vodafone - Iceland - 2742
Siminn - Iceland - 2741
Nova - Iceland - 27411
274-8 - Iceland - 2748
AirTel - Punjab - India - 4042
AirTel - Tamil Nadu - India - 40494
Airtel - Karnataka - India - 40445
IDEA - Punjab - India - 40414
Airtel - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 40449
AirTel - Delhi & NCR - India - 40410
IDEA - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 4047
Vodafone IN - Mumbai - India - 40420
Vodafone IN - Delhi & NCR - India - 40411
IDEA - Maharashtra & Goa - India - 40422
Airtel - Chennai - India - 40440
Vodafone IN - Gujarat - India - 4045
AirTel - Haryana - India - 40496
CellOne - Gujarat - India - 40457
AirTel - Maharashtra - India - 40490
Vodafone IN - Karnataka - India - 40486
AirTel - Uttar Pradesh (West) - India - 40497
AirTel - Gujarat - India - 40498
Vodafone IN - Maharashtra & Goa - India - 40427
AirTel - Kerala - India - 40495
CellOne - Punjab - India - 40453
AirTel - Mumbai - India - 40492
IDEA - Kerala - India - 40419
Provider 46 - India - 40446
Vodafone IN - Tamil Nadu - India - 40443
Vodafone IN - Chennai - India - 40484
CellOne - Tamil Nadu - India - 40480
Airtel - Rajasthan - India - 40470
IDEA - Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh - India - 40478
CellOne - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 40473
Vodafone IN - Haryana - India - 4041
CellOne - Maharashtra & Goa - India - 40466
AirTel - Kolkata - India - 40431
IDEA - Uttar Pradesh (West) - India - 40456
CellOne - Chennai - India - 40464
Vodafone IN - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 40413
DOLPHIN - Mumbai - India - 40469
AirTel - Madhya Pradesh - India - 40493
CellOne - Karnataka (Bangalore) - India - 40471
CellOne - Kerala - India - 40472
CellOne - Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh - India - 40458
Vodafone IN - Rajasthan - India - 40460
AirTel - Himachal Pradesh - India - 4043
CellOne - Uttar Pradesh (West) - India - 40454
CellOne - Orissa - India - 40476
Vodafone IN - Kolkata - India - 40430
Vodafone IN - Uttar Pradesh (East) - India - 40415
IDEA - Gujarat - India - 40424
CellOne - India - 40459
AirTel - North East - India - 40416
CellOne - Haryana - India - 40434
IDEA - Delhi & NCR - India - 4044
CellOne - Uttar Pradesh (East) - India - 40455
Aircel - Tamil Nadu - India - 40442
IN-DOLPHIN - India - 40468
Idea - Himachal Pradesh - India - 40482
CellOne - Himachal Pradesh - India - 40451
CellOne - West Bengal - India - 40474
40499 - India - 40499
CellOne - Bihar - India - 40475
CellOne - North East - India - 40477
CellOne - Jammu & Kashmir - India - 40462
Vodafone IN - Punjab - India - 40488
IDEA - Karnataka - India - 40444
Reliance - Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh - India - 40467
IDEA - Haryana - India - 40412
Reliance - West Bengal - India - 40485
Provider 999 - India - 404999
IDEA - Uttar Pradesh (East) - India - 40489
AIRCEL- Assam - India - 40429
CellOne - Kolkata - India - 40481
IDEA - Rajasthan - India - 40487
CellOne - Assam - India - 40438
Reliance - Bihar & Jharkhand - India - 40436
AIRCEL - Bihar - India - 40425
Loop Mobile - Mumbai - India - 40421
AIRCEL - Kolkata - India - 40491
Aircel - Chennai - India - 40441
AIRCEL - West Bengal - India - 40417
Aircel - Jammu & Kashmir - India - 40437
Reliance - Kolkata - India - 40483
AIRCEL - Orissa - India - 40428
Aircel - India - 40433
Reliance - Orissa - India - 40452
Provider 235 - India - 404235
Provider 940 - India - 404940
Jio 4G Tamil Nadu - India - 405869
Jio 4G Telangana - India - 405854
Jio Punjab - India - 405867
Jio 4G - Karnataka - India - 405861
Jio 4G - Gujarat - India - 405857
Jio 4G - Kerala - India - 405862
Jio 4G Mumbai - India - 405874
Jio 4G Delhi - India - 405872
Jio 4G Maharashtra - India - 405864
AirTel - Bihar & Jharkhand - India - 40552
Jio 4G Odisha - India - 405866
AirTel - Uttar Pradesh (East) - India - 40554
Jio 4G Rajasthan - India - 405868
Jio 4G - Delhi - India - 405858
JIO 4G - India - 405870
AirTel - Orissa - India - 40553
Jio 4G Madhya Paredesh - India - 405863
Jio Bihar & Jharkhand Circle - India - 405856
Jio 4G West Bengal - India - 405873
Jio - West Bengal - India - 405840
Airtel - Jammu & Kashmir - India - 40555
airtel - India - 405860
Jio 4G - India - 405871
AirTel - West Bengal - India - 40551
Jio 4G - India - 405859
Vodafone IN - West Bengal - India - 40567
IDEA - Bihar & Jharkhand - India - 40570
Vodafone IN - Assam - India - 405751
TATA DOCOMO - Maharashtra & Goa - India - 40537
AirTel - Assam - India - 40556
Jio 4G Nagaland - India - 405855
Vodafone IN - Orissa - India - 405753
IDEA - Jammu & Kashmir - India - 405846
TATA DOCOMO - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 40525
Reliance - Gujarat - India - 4056
AIRCEL - Karnataka - India - 405803
Vodafone IN - Uttar Pradesh West - India - 40566
AIRCEL - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 405801
Jio 4G - India - 405865
TATA DOCOMO - Tamil Nadu including Chennai - India - 40544
Uninor - Maharashtra - India - 405929
IDEA - Mumbai - India - 405799
AIRCEL - Rajasthan - India - 405806
Vodafone IN - North East - India - 405755
TATA DOCOMO - Karnataka - India - 40534
Reliance - Mumbai - India - 40515
TATA DOCOMO - Gujarat - India - 40530
IDEA - Tamil Nadu - India - 405852
AIRCEL - Maharashtra & Goa - India - 405804
Reliance - Maharashtra & Goa - India - 40513
TATA DOCOMO - Punjab - India - 40542
Reliance - Karnataka - India - 40510
TATA DOCOMO - Haryana - India - 40531
Uninor - Gujarat - India - 405927
Reliance - Delhi & NCR - India - 4055
Reliance - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 4051
TATA DOCOMO - Kerala - India - 40535
Reliance - Punjab - India - 40518
IDEA - India - 405849
Uninor - Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - India - 405819
Reliance - Rajasthan - India - 40519
Vodafone IN - Bihar & Jharkhand - India - 405752
Provider 876 - India - 405876
Reliance - Tamil Nadu - India - 40520
TATA DOCOMO - Madhya Pradesh - India - 40538
AIRCEL - Punjab - India - 405812
Vodafone IN - Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh - India - 405756
Provider 879 - India - 405879
Provider 39 - India - 40539
AIRCEL - Rajasthan - India - 405805
Reliance - Uttar Pradesh (West) - India - 40522
Reliance - Kerala - India - 40511
Provider 41 - India - 40541
TATA DOCOMO - Uttar Pradesh (W) & Uttarkhand - India - 40546
Provider 850 - India - 405850
TATA Teleservice - Uttar Pradesh East - India - 40545
Idea - India - 405845
Reliance - Uttar Pradesh (East) - India - 40521
AIRCEL - Delhi & NCR - India - 405800
Provider 526 - India - 405526
Vodafone IN - India - 405750
IDEA - West Bengal - India - 405853
Provider 828 - India - 405828
Provider 932 - India - 405932
Videocon Datacom - Madhya Pradesh - India - 405834
AIRCEL - Uttar Pradesh West - India - 405811
AIRCEL - Kerala - India - 405809
Reliance - Haryana - India - 4057
TATA DOCOMO - Kolkata - India - 40536
Provider 43 - India - 40543
Uninor - West Bengal - India - 405880
Telkomsel - Indonesia - 51010
XL - Indonesia - 51011
INDOSAT - Indonesia - 5101
3 - Indonesia - 51089
SMARTFREN - Indonesia - 5109
Fren/Hepi - Indonesia - 51028
IM3 - Indonesia - 51021
AXIS - Indonesia - 5108
wmsatsea - International Shared - 90118
Telenor maritime - International Shared - 90112
901-26 - International Shared - 90126
901-19 - International Shared - 90119
901-27 - International Shared - 90127
Deutsche Telekom AG - International Shared - 90153
OnAir - International Shared - 90115
Software Radio Systems LTE - International Shared - 90170
MCI - Iran - 43211
Irancell - Iran - 43235
Rightel - Iran - 43220
hiweb - Iran - 43212
Taliya - Iran - 43232
Provider 93 - Iran - 43293
Zain - Iraq - 41820
Asia Cell - Iraq - 4185
Korek - Iraq - 41840
Fastlink - Iraq - 41866
Provider 60 - Iraq - 41860
41877 - Iraq - 41877
Vodafone - Ireland - 2721
Eir - Ireland - 2723
O2 (historic) - Ireland - 2722
3 - Ireland - 2725
Imagine - Ireland - 27242
Provider 30 - Ireland - 27230
Cellcom - Israel - 4252
Partner - Israel - 4251
Pelephone - Israel - 4253
Golan Telecom - Israel - 4258
Hot Mobile - Israel - 4257
Hot Mobile Ltd. - Israel - 42528
Jawwal - Israel - 4255
we - Israel - 4259
GOLAN T - Israel - 42535
Wataniya - Israel - 4256
425 29 - Israel - 42529
42525 - Israel - 42525
Wind(3) - Italy - 22288
TIM - Italy - 2221
Vodafone IT - Italy - 22210
3 Italia - Italy - 22299
Iliad - Italy - 22250
Linkem - Italy - 22238
GoInternet - Italy - 22241 - Italy - 22277
Tiscali - Italy - 22247
Orange - Ivory Coast - 6123
Moov - Ivory Coast - 6122
MTN - Ivory Coast - 6125
ORICEL - Ivory Coast - 6126
Digicel - Jamaica - 3385
FLOW - Jamaica - 338180
Digicel - Jamaica - 33850
SoftBank - Japan - 44020
KDDI (LTE+CDMA) - Japan - 44050
KDDI (VoLTE) - Japan - 44051
NTT DoCoMo - Japan - 44010
Rakuten - Japan - 44011
KDDI (Rakuten roaming) - Japan - 44053
KDDI (5G SA) - Japan - 44054
KDDI (for IoT device) - Japan - 44052
Y!mobile - Japan - 4400
Wireless City Planning - Japan - 4405
KDDI - Japan - 44055
44019 - Japan - 44019
44018 - Japan - 44018
Provider 17 - Japan - 44017
440 16 - Japan - 44016
441-0 - Japan - 4410
KDDI - Japan - 44110
Provider 202 - Japan - 441202
Orange - Jordan - 41677
zain JO - Jordan - 4161
Umniah - Jordan - 4163
Beeline - Kazakhstan - 4011 - Kazakhstan - 40177
Kcell - Kazakhstan - 4012
Dalacom - Kazakhstan - 4017
Safaricom - Kenya - 6392
Airtel Kenya - Kenya - 6393
Telkom - Kenya - 6397
Faiba4G/LTE - Kenya - 63910
Koryolink (for foreigners) - Korea, North - 4676
SKT - Korea, South - 4505
kt/olleh - Korea, South - 4508
LG U+ - Korea, South - 4506
KT - Korea, South - 45010
45032 - Korea, South - 45032
Provider 30 - Korea, South - 45030
KOR SK Telecom - Korea, South - 45031
45035 - Korea, South - 45035
zain KW - Kuwait - 4192
ooredoo - Kuwait - 4193
STC - Kuwait - 4194
419 07 - Kuwait - 4197
MegaCom - Kyrgyz Republic - 4375
O! - Kyrgyz Republic - 4379
Beeline KG - Kyrgyz Republic - 4371
43710 - Kyrgyz Republic - 43710
43711 - Kyrgyz Republic - 43711
Unitel - Laos - 4573
LTC - Laos - 4571
ETL - Laos - 4572
Beeline - Laos - 4578
457 20 - Laos - 45720
LMT - Latvia - 2471
Tele2 - Latvia - 2472
Bite - Latvia - 2475
Provider 10 - Latvia - 24710
24706 - Latvia - 2476
Alfa - Lebanon - 4151
mtc touch - Lebanon - 4153
LBN OGERO Mobile - Lebanon - 4155
Vodacom - Lesotho - 6511
Econet - Lesotho - 6512
Cellcom 4G - Liberia - 6187
Comium - Liberia - 6184
Libyana - Libya - 6060
Madar - Libya - 6061
Libya Phone - Libya - 6063
Swisscom - Liechtenstein - 2951
7acht - Liechtenstein - 2952
FL1 - Liechtenstein - 2955
Telia - Lithuania - 2461
BITE - Lithuania - 2462
Tele2 - Lithuania - 2463
MEZON(historical) - Lithuania - 2468
Tango - Luxembourg - 27077
Orange - Luxembourg - 27099
POST - Luxembourg - 2701
LOL - Luxembourg - 2705
CTM - Macau - 4551
3 Macau - Macau - 4555
China Telecom - Macau - 4557
SmarTone - Macau - 4550
CTM - Macau - 4554
China Telecom - Macau - 4552
TELMA - Madagascar - 6464
Orange - Madagascar - 6462
Airtel - Madagascar - 6461
Zain - Malawi - 65010
TNM - Malawi - 6501
65002 - Malawi - 6502
Celcom - Malaysia - 50219
DiGi - Malaysia - 50216
Maxis - Malaysia - 50212
U Mobile - Malaysia - 50218
Yes - Malaysia - 502152
unifi - Malaysia - 502153
CelcomDigi - Malaysia - 50213
2G MOCN - Malaysia - 502158
MY MAXIS - Malaysia - 502168
MySRBN - Malaysia - 502201
MY CELCOM - Malaysia - 502198
Ooredoo - Maldives - 4722
Dhiraagu - Maldives - 4721
Orange ML - Mali - 6102
Malitel - Mali - 6101
Provider 3 - Mali - 6103
GO - Malta - 27821
epic (Formerly Vodafone) - Malta - 2781
Melita - Malta - 27877
Digicel - Martinique - 34020
Orange - Martinique - 3401
SFR - Martinique - 3402
Dauphin Telecom - Martinique - 3408
FLOW - Martinique - 3403
Free Caraïbes - Martinique - 3404
Mattel - Mauritania - 6091
Mauritel - Mauritania - 60910
mauritani - Mauritania - 6092
my.t - Mauritius - 6171
Emtel - Mauritius - 61710
MTML - Mauritius - 6173
Telcel - Mexico - 33420
movistar - Mexico - 3343
AT&T (Iusacell) - Mexico - 33450
AT&T (Nextel) - Mexico - 33490
ALTAN - Mexico - 334140
T-Mobile - Mexico - 33440
movistar - Mexico - 33430
Provider 2 - Mexico - 3342
movistar - Mexico - 33445
334190 - Mexico - 334190
Orange - Moldova - 2591
Moldcell - Moldova - 2592
Moldtelecom - Moldova - 2595
Interdnestrcom - Moldova - 25915
Vala - Monaco - 2121
Monaco Telecom - Monaco - 21210
MONGOLIA UNITEL LLC - Mongolia - 42888
ONDO - Mongolia - 42833
Mobicom - Mongolia - 42899
428-6 - Mongolia - 4286
428-1 - Mongolia - 4281
One - Montenegro - 2971
m:tel CG - Montenegro - 2973
Telekom - Montenegro - 2972
354-860 - Montserrat - 354860
Maroc Telecom (IAM) - Morocco - 6041
inwi - Morocco - 6042
Orange - Morocco - 6040
Vodacom - Mozambique - 6434
Movitel - Mozambique - 6433
TMCEL - Mozambique - 6431
MPT - Myanmar - 4141
Telenor@ - Myanmar - 4146
Ooredoo - Myanmar - 4145
Telenor - Myanmar - 4149
ananda 4G+ - Myanmar - 41420
41403 - Myanmar - 4143
MTC - Namibia - 6491
TN Mobile - Namibia - 6493
Namaste / NT Mobile - Nepal - 4291
Ncell - Nepal - 4292
SmartCell - Nepal - 4294
Odido (T-Mobile NL) - Netherlands - 20416
KPN - Netherlands - 2048
Vodafone NL - Netherlands - 2044
Tele2 NL (historical) - Netherlands - 2042
FLOW - Netherlands Antilles - 36291
Digicel - Netherlands Antilles - 36269
Telcell GSM - Netherlands Antilles - 36251
Kla - Netherlands Antilles - 36278
Mobilis - New Caledonia - 5461
One NZ (ex. Vodafone) - New Zealand - 5301
2degrees - New Zealand - 53024
Spark - New Zealand - 5305
2degrees - New Zealand - 53013
Dense Air - New Zealand - 53010
movistar - Nicaragua - 710300
Claro - Nicaragua - 71021
Orange - Niger - 6144
Airtel - Niger - 6142
61401 - Niger - 6141
ETISALAT NER - Niger - 6143
MTN - Nigeria - 62130
Airtel - Nigeria - 62120
Glo - Nigeria - 62150
Etisalat - Nigeria - 62160
Smile - Nigeria - 62127
Spectranet - Nigeria - 62124
Provider 31 - Nigeria - 62131
555-10 - Niue - 55510
Telekom Nokia Harbour 5G Test - Niue - 55530
Telenor - Norway - 2421
Telia - Norway - 2422
ICE - Norway - 24214
Oman Mobile - Oman - 4222
Nawras - Oman - 4223
Vodafone - Oman - 4226
Provider 35 - Oman - 42235
Zong - Pakistan - 4104
Jazz (Mobilink) - Pakistan - 4101
Ufone - Pakistan - 4103
Telenor - Pakistan - 4106
Jazz (Warid) - Pakistan - 4107
SCOM - Pakistan - 4105
PTCL CharJi - Pakistan - 41051
41099 - Pakistan - 41099
410961 - Pakistan - 410961
410092 - Pakistan - 41092
Movistar - Panama - 71420
Claro - Panama - 7143
CW Panama - Panama - 7141
Digicel - Panama - 7144
Digicel - Papua New Guinea - 5373
Telikom PNG - Papua New Guinea - 5372
bmobile - Papua New Guinea - 5371
Vodafone PNG - Papua New Guinea - 5374
PERSONAL - Paraguay - 7445
Claro/Hutchison - Paraguay - 7442
TIGO - Paraguay - 7444
VOX - Paraguay - 7441
Copaco - Paraguay - 7446
Movistar - Peru - 7166
Claro (TIM) - Peru - 71610
entel - Peru - 71617
bitel - Peru - 71615
716-77 - Peru - 71677
716-85 - Peru - 71685
Provider 5 - Peru - 7165
Globe - Philippines - 5152
Smart - Philippines - 5153
DITO - Philippines - 51566
Orange - Poland - 2603
T-Mobile - Poland - 2602
Play - Poland - 2606
Plus - Poland - 2601
Orange - Poland - 26034
Vodafone - Portugal - 2681
MEO - Portugal - 2686
NOS - Portugal - 2683
Digi - Portugal - 2682
Claro - Puerto Rico - 330110
Open Mobile - Puerto Rico - 330120
ooredoo - Qatar - 4271
Vodafone Qatar - Qatar - 4272
Provider 6 - Qatar - 4276
A1 - Republic of Macedonia - 2943
T-Mobile MK - Republic of Macedonia - 2941
ONE (historical) - Republic of Macedonia - 2942
Neotel - Republic of Macedonia - 2946
MTN-CG - Republic of the Congo - 62910
Airtel - Republic of the Congo - 6291
Sooktha - Reserved - 1 - 11
123456 - Reserved - 123 - 123456
199999 - Reserved - 199 - 199999
200-1 - Reserved - 200 - 2001
200 010 - Reserved - 200 - 20010
200-310 - Reserved - 200 - 200310
Provider 911 - Reserved - 325 - 325911
Claro BR - Reserved - 777 - 77777
Provider 66 - Reserved - 777 - 77766
Provider 40 - Reserved - 999 - 99940
Searching for service - Reserved - 999 - 99999
Provider 1 - Reserved - 999 - 9991
Provider 51 - Reserved - 999 - 99951
Provider 29 - Reserved - 999 - 99929
Digi.Mobil - Romania - 2265
Orange - Romania - 22610
Vodafone - Romania - 2261
Telekom - Romania - 2263
Orange (Business Services) - Romania - 22618
MTS - Russian Federation - 2501
MegaFon - Russian Federation - 2502
Beeline - Russian Federation - 25099
t2 - Russian Federation - 25020
Yota - Russian Federation - 25011
MOTIV - Russian Federation - 25035
VOLNA - Russian Federation - 25060
WIN - Russian Federation - 25032
Miranda - Russian Federation - 25054
Letai - Russian Federation - 25027
+7-Telecom - Russian Federation - 25096
MCS - Russian Federation - 25098
Phoenix - Russian Federation - 25097
KTKRU - Russian Federation - 25034
Mir-Telecom - Russian Federation - 25094
Rostelecom - Russian Federation - 25039
STS - Russian Federation - 25033
VainahTelecom - Russian Federation - 2508
Provider 58 - Russian Federation - 25058
Ostelecom - Russian Federation - 25030
SMARTS - Russian Federation - 2507
MTN - Rwandese Republic - 63510
Provider 13 - Rwandese Republic - 63513
Airtel - Rwandese Republic - 63514
VodaCom - Rwandese Republic - 63517
SFR Reunion - Réunion - 64710
Orange re - Réunion - 6470
Free - Réunion - 6473
Free - Réunion - 6472
Zeop - Réunion - 6474
FLOW - Saint Kitts and Nevis - 356110
FLOW - Saint Lucia - 358110
FLOW - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 360110
Bluesky - Samoa - 54927
DIGICEL - Samoa - 5490
Provider 2 - Sao Toma and Principe - 6262
Al Jawal (STC) - Saudi Arabia - 4201
Mobily - Saudi Arabia - 4203
Zain SA - Saudi Arabia - 4204
Provider 212 - Saudi Arabia - 420212
Orange Senegal - Senegal - 6081
Tigo - Senegal - 6082
Orange SN - Senegal - 6083
mt:s - Serbia - 2203
A1 - Serbia - 2205
Yettel (ex. Telenor) - Serbia - 2201
C&W SEY - Seychelles - 6331
SEZ AIRTEL - Seychelles - 63310
africell - Sierra Leone - 6195
619-1 - Sierra Leone - 6191
africell - Sierra Leone - 6199
SingTel - Singapore - 5251
StarHub - Singapore - 5255
M1 - Singapore - 5253
SIMBA Telecom (TPG) - Singapore - 52510
Provider 25 - Singapore - 52525
525935 - Singapore - 525935
52504 - Singapore - 5254
525-999 - Singapore - 525999
Orange - Slovakia - 2311
Telekom - Slovakia - 2312
O2 - Slovakia - 2316
4KA SK - Slovakia - 2313
A1 - Slovenia - 29340
Telekom Slovenije - Slovenia - 29341
Telemach Mobil - Slovenia - 29370
T-2 - Slovenia - 29364
293666 - Slovenia - 293666
293-86 - Slovenia - 29386
SI BREEZE - Solomon Islands - 5401
Hormuud - Somalia - 63750
Telesom - Somalia - 6371
Golis - Somalia - 63730
SOMNET - Somalia - 63720
Somtel - Somalia - 63771
637-82 - Somalia - 63782
63740 - Somalia - 63740
63790 - Somalia - 63790
Provider 5 - Somalia - 6375
Vodacom - South Africa - 6551
MTN - South Africa - 65510
CELL C - South Africa - 6557
Telkom Mobile - South Africa - 6552
TelkomSA-R - South Africa - 6555
Vodacom-SA - South Africa - 65519
rain - South Africa - 65538
Telkom-R Monate - South Africa - 6553
Provider 74 - South Africa - 65574
rain - South Africa - 65573
Provider 14 - South Africa - 65514
000000 - South Africa - 65512
Provider 2 - South Sudan - 6592
Provider 6 - South Sudan - 6596
Digitel - South Sudan - 6595
movistar - Spain - 2147
Vodafone ES - Spain - 2141
Orange ES - Spain - 2143
Yoigo - Spain - 2144
214 40 - Spain - 21440
214701 - Spain - 214701
Provider 5 - Spain - 2145
Arie Mobile - Spain - 21434
EUSKALTEL - Spain - 2148
Dialog - Sri Lanka - 4132
Mobitel - Sri Lanka - 4131
Hutch - Sri Lanka - 4138
Airtel - Sri Lanka - 4135
41311 - Sri Lanka - 41311
Provider 12 - Sri Lanka - 41312
41309 - Sri Lanka - 4139
Etisalat - Sri Lanka - 4133
41304 - Sri Lanka - 4134
Sure SA - St Helena - 6581
Zain SD - Sudan - 6341
Sudani - Sudan - 6347
MTN - Sudan - 6342
Digicel - Suriname - 7463
Telesur - Suriname - 7462
Swazi MTN - Swaziland - 65310
653-2 - Swaziland - 6532
Telia - Sweden - 2401
3 - Sweden - 2402
Tele2 - Sweden - 2407
Telenor - Sweden - 2408
Net4Mobility - Sweden - 24024
Sweden 3G - Sweden - 2405
SWEDEN - Sweden - 2404
Provider 49 - Sweden - 24049
240 03 - Sweden - 2403
240-85 - Sweden - 24085
Provider 6 - Sweden - 2406
Provider 20 - Sweden - 24020
Provider 80 - Sweden - 24080
Spring Mobil - Sweden - 24010
Swisscom - Switzerland - 2281
Sunrise - Switzerland - 2282
Salt - Switzerland - 2283
Salt-Sunrise 3G - Switzerland - 22860
Syriatel - Syria - 4171
MTN - Syria - 4172
Rcell - Stay Safe 4G - Syria - 41750
ChungHwa - Taiwan - 46692
Taiwan Mobile 台灣大哥大 - Taiwan - 46697
FarEasTone 遠傳電信股份有限公司 - Taiwan - 4661
VIBO - Taiwan - 46689
GT 4G - Taiwan - 4665
Tcell - Tajikistan - 4363
Babilon-M - Tajikistan - 4364
Tcell - Tajikistan - 4361
Tcell - Tajikistan - 4362
436-5 - Tajikistan - 4365
Airtel - Tanzania - 6405
Vodacom - Tanzania - 6404
Zantel - Tanzania - 6402
ZANTEL - Tanzania - 6403
Halotel - Tanzania - 6409
640-7 - Tanzania - 6407
Provider 11 - Tanzania - 64011
Airtel TZ - Tanzania - 6408
AIS - Thailand - 5203
TRUE-H - Thailand - 5204
dtac TriNet - Thailand - 5205
Thai Mobile - Thailand - 52015
dtac-T - Thailand - 52047
my by CAT - Thailand - 5200
True-dtac - Thailand - 52018
NT - Thailand - 5202
True Move - Thailand - 52099
NT - Thailand - 52017
Advanced Info Service - Thailand - 5201
520-9 - Thailand - 5209
52011 - Thailand - 52011
Togo Cell - Togolese Republic - 6151
Moov - Togolese Republic - 6153
DIGICEL - Tonga - 53988
TCC - Tonga - 5391
Digicel - Trinidad and Tobago - 374130
bmobile - Trinidad and Tobago - 37412
OOREDOO TN - Tunisia - 6053
Tunicell - Tunisia - 6052
Orange - Tunisia - 6051
60554 - Tunisia - 60554
Turkcell - Turkey - 2861
Turk Telekom - Turkey - 2863
Vodafone - Turkey - 2862
YOTA - Turkey - 28611
TM-Cell - Turkmenistan - 4382
TM CELL - Turkmenistan - 4381
FLOW - Turks and Caicos Islands - 376350
DIGICEL-STAYSAFE - Turks and Caicos Islands - 37636
Airtel Uganda - Uganda - 6411
MTN Uganda - Uganda - 64110
Africell - Uganda - 64114
Uganda Telecom - Uganda - 64111
Tangerine Uganda - Uganda - 6414
Smile - Uganda - 64133
Smart Telecom - Uganda - 64118
Kyivstar - Ukraine - 2553
Vodafone - Ukraine - 2551
lifecell - Ukraine - 2556
Etisalat - United Arab Emirates - 4242
du - United Arab Emirates - 4243
424-11 - United Arab Emirates - 42411
424-10 - United Arab Emirates - 42410
42413 - United Arab Emirates - 42413
Vodafone UK - United Kingdom - 23415
O2-UK - United Kingdom - 23410
EE - United Kingdom - 23430
3 UK - United Kingdom - 23420
EE (former Orange PCS Ltd.) - United Kingdom - 23433
Sure Ltd. - United Kingdom - 23455
JT (Jersey) Limited - United Kingdom - 23450
EE / Emergency Services Network - United Kingdom - 23432
Three Broadband (FWA) - United Kingdom - 23451
Jersey - Airtel-Vodafone - United Kingdom - 2343
Manx Telecom - United Kingdom - 23458
ESN - United Kingdom - 23431
Provider 315 - United Kingdom - 234315
FMS Solutions Limited - United Kingdom - 2344
BT 5G test network - United Kingdom - 23476
Provider 200 - United Kingdom - 234200
Vodafone Ltd (C&W) - United Kingdom - 2347
234 207 - United Kingdom - 234207
BT OnePhone Limited - United Kingdom - 2348
O2 Trial Network - United Kingdom - 2342
Provider 73 - United Kingdom - 23473
23486 - United Kingdom - 23486
Telet Research - United Kingdom - 23588
T-Mobile USA - United States of America - 310260
AT&T Mobility - United States of America - 310410
Sprint - United States of America - 310120
Viaero Wireless - United States of America - 310450
Iowa Wireless Services - United States of America - 310770
Highland - United States of America - 3107
Union Telephone Company - United States of America - 31020
Cellular One - United States of America - 310320
Chinook - United States of America - 310570
West Central Wireless - United States of America - 310180
nTelos - United States of America - 310470
Carolina West Wireless - United States of America - 310130
TMUS Direct-to-Cell - United States of America - 310830
Highland Cellular - United States of America - 31070
PTI Pacifica - United States of America - 310110
Cricket Wireless - United States of America - 310150
Plateau Wireless - United States of America - 310100
Choice Wireless - United States of America - 310480
Inland Cellular - United States of America - 310580
T-Mobile - United States of America - 310210
Northeast Wireless - United States of America - 310730
mPulse - United States of America - 310140
Cincinnati Bell Wireless - United States of America - 310420
North East PA Wireless - United States of America - 310290
cricKet - United States of America - 31016
Immix - United States of America - 310690
USA AmeriLink - United States of America - 310630
Centennial Communications - United States of America - 31030
public testing-cbrs - United States of America - 31014
Cingular Orange - United States of America - 310170
Provider 510 - United States of America - 310510
C Spire
- United States of America - 310238
Advantage - United States of America - 310880
James Valley Telecommunications - United States of America - 310920
Corr Wireless Communications - United States of America - 3108
IT&E - United States of America - 31032
Boost Mobile - United States of America - 310240
Panhandle - United States of America - 310750
310810 - United States of America - 310810
Provider 41 - United States of America - 31041
Provider 990 - United States of America - 310990
Verizon - United States of America - 311480
Sprint (ex Virgin Mobile) - United States of America - 311490
U.S. Cellular - United States of America - 311580
Sprint (B41) - United States of America - 311870
Clearwire (Sprint) - United States of America - 311940
C Spire Wireless - United States of America - 311230
Commnet Wireless - United States of America - 31140
GCI Wireless - United States of America - 311370
MetroPCS - United States of America - 311660
Cellcom - United States of America - 311840
Cellcom (MNC 850) - United States of America - 311850
BugTussel - United States of America - 311330
Pine Cellular - United States of America - 31180
Northeast Wireless 3g/4g - United States of America - 311710
VTel Wireless - United States of America - 311990
Indigo - United States of America - 31130
United Wireless - United States of America - 311650
Broadpoint - United States of America - 311170
Chariton Valley Wireless Services - United States of America - 31110
Long Lines Wireless - United States of America - 31190
NewCore Wireless or Standing Rock Telecom - United States of America - 311530
Big River Communications - United States of America - 311970
CELLULARONE - United States of America - 311190
Pine Belt Cellular - United States of America - 311670
INNOVATIVE VI - United States of America - 311470
Bluegrass Wireless - United States of America - 311800
Wilkes - United States of America - 311150
311-489 - United States of America - 311489
Provider 23 - United States of America - 31123
311450 - United States of America - 311450
311570 - United States of America - 311570
U.S. Cellular - United States of America - 3113
Sprint T-Mobile USA Unified - United States of America - 312250
Sprint Prepaid - United States of America - 312530
SouthernLinc - United States of America - 312720
312-190 - United States of America - 312190
Nemont - United States of America - 312480
Nex-Tech Wireless - United States of America - 312420
Appalachian Wireless - United States of America - 312130
Verizon Reseller - United States of America - 312770
312-280 - United States of America - 312280
312-290 - United States of America - 312290
Mark Twain Communications Company - United States of America - 312980
Chariton Valley Communication Corporation, Inc. - United States of America - 312220
312-710 - United States of America - 312710
NMU - United States of America - 312590
312-680 - United States of America - 312680
Infrastructure Networks - United States of America - 31220
312-570 - United States of America - 312570
Provider 380 - United States of America - 312380
312-780 - United States of America - 312780
312-350 - United States of America - 312350
312-60 - United States of America - 31260
312-260 - United States of America - 312260
312-430 - United States of America - 312430
312-360 - United States of America - 312360
312-790 - United States of America - 312790
312-10 - United States of America - 31210
Fi Network - United States of America - 312390
SRT Communications - United States of America - 312230
312-840 - United States of America - 312840
312-700 - United States of America - 312700
Wue - United States of America - 312510
31280 - United States of America - 31280
Appalachian - United States of America - 312120
312 730 - United States of America - 312730
FirstNet - United States of America - 313100
Dish Network - United States of America - 313340
AT&T (Puerto Rico) - United States of America - 313790
313690 - United States of America - 313690
King Street Wireless - United States of America - 313280
313-10 - United States of America - 31310
Provider 250 - United States of America - 313250
CenturyLink - United States of America - 313330
MetaLINK - United States of America - 313810
313860 - United States of America - 313860
Ameren - United States of America - 313700
Provider 830 - United States of America - 313830
313780 - United States of America - 313780
313240 - United States of America - 313240
313310 - United States of America - 313310
313470 - United States of America - 313470
CLARO - United States of America - 313510
313650 - United States of America - 313650
Provider 280 - United States of America - 314280
314030 - United States of America - 31430
Provider 330 - United States of America - 314330
314200 - United States of America - 314200
314020 - United States of America - 31420
SouthernLinc - United States of America - 31490
314400 - United States of America - 314400
GA CBRS access - United States of America - 31510
FreedomFi - United States of America - 3151
Provider 7 - United States of America - 3167
316-90 - United States of America - 31690
Antel - Uruguay - 7481
Claro - Uruguay - 74810
Movistar - Uruguay - 7487
UzMobile - Uzbekistan - 4348
Ucell - Uzbekistan - 4345
Beeline - Uzbekistan - 4344
MTS - Uzbekistan - 4347
43406 - Uzbekistan - 4346
SMILE - Vanuatu - 5411
DIGICEL - Vanuatu - 5415
movistar - Venezuela - 7344
Digitel - Venezuela - 7342
Movilnet - Venezuela - 7346
Viettel Mobile - Viet Nam - 4524
Vinaphone - Viet Nam - 4522
MobiFone - Viet Nam - 4521
Vietnamobile - Viet Nam - 4525
Beeline - Viet Nam - 4527
Yemen Mobile - Yemen - 42111
MTN - Yemen - 4212
SabaFon - Yemen - 4211
42110 - Yemen - 42110
Yemen Mobile - Yemen - 4213
Provider 5 - Yemen - 4215
42106 - Yemen - 4216
Provider 31 - Yemen - 42131
HiTS-UNITEL - Yemen - 4214
42115 - Yemen - 42115
MTN - Zambia - 6452
Airtel - Zambia - 6451
ZAMTEL - Zambia - 6453
CEC-Liquid - Zambia - 6457
Econet - Zimbabwe - 6484
Net One - Zimbabwe - 6481
Telecel - Zimbabwe - 6483
Net*One - Zimbabwe - 6485